As bitcoin mining gains unexpected attention in political debates, what are the implications for the industry?
GRIID mined 66 BTC in Q1 with a realized hashrate of 0.41 EH/s
Expansion plans of nearly 900 megawatts since halving
CleanSpark plans to deploy 3.7 EH/s of previously ordered S21 Pro
Coolpad was trading at less than 1 cent in USD before stock suspension
Trump met with representatives from the bitcoin mining industry
Argo, Stronghold, and Bit Digital reported larger realized hashrate decline in May than bitcoin's network average
Bison added Bitmain as an additional defendant last year in the case against MineOne
Bitcoin hashrate remained at 600 EH/s in the first full month after halving
Also updating the price-hash ratio of mining pubcos
But numbers for Q2 will likely be much lower
Difficulty goes down by 6% amid hashrate shutoff